Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lean/Quality of 5S Process

Blog Post 14: Implementing a Lean Process

Based on our discussion in class today, implement and document a quality improvement process to the project/situation in which you performed a 5S process. This implementation must be based on the muda listed on the lean manufacturing wiki site. (note: there are several additional more modern types that you could utilize if need be)

For the documentation, list/describe the waste you have identified and explain the process change you have implemented. Either collect some data that demonstrate your improvement, or realistically estimate the effect that your improvement will have on your process

I have noted waste in improper filing of papers and organizing markers that could be thrown away, etc. I have changed my process to file papers as soon as I get them rather than setting them on my dresser and/or randomly shoving them into a drawer. I estimate doing this will eliminate time lost due to rummaging through papers to find the one needed-it will be easier to find now that it has been organized into its correct place. Also I will avoid losing time in sorting through my markers to find one that works amongst the 3 that do not work. Overall I have eliminated some waste, although minor, it still counts as waste. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Criteria for Evaluation

Blog Post 13: Criteria for Evaluation

Here are the Criteria discussed in class. Use these to shape the final criteria that will be used by your group. Post the final criteria and the process you will use to evaluate and rank the members of your team related to the final project.

-Tasks Accomplished

5S process

Blog Post 12: 5S process

Post a record of a 5S process that you have completed. Post a before and after picture. Also, post a short narrative of how you addressed each of the "8s's" of the 5S process. Due Nov 11.

As a part of my 5S process I cleaned and organized my storage/dresser space so that way it was easier to use and was easier to find items.


The basic 5s's:
sorting: I went through my desktop and floor space and removed and put away all unnecessary items that are not needed right now-ex the fan in the winter.
straightening:I placed everything in its appropriate place or in this case drawer/filing area.
systematic cleaning: I made sure and dusted the counter off and made sure the floor was clear of dirt/dust.
standardizing: All electronics/school supplies/etc. are all in the correct drawer and white board pens are always on the top of the dressers for ease of use with the whiteboard.
sustaining. I will make sure and not do the "drop and go" approach when new mail or paperwork arrives and also I will make sure and put away materials after I use them.

The extra 3s's:
safety: I no longer have a fan or paper work on the floor to trip over.
security: The important documents are now filed in a safe and secure place
satisfaction: I feel I have completed a job well done and may use this process in other areas that may need tidying up too.

Quality Management

Blog post 11: Quality Management

Identify and describe a quality management process that is utilized in your field of interest. Typically this process is in response or guided by a professional organization in that field. Identify that organization.

The Mayo Clinic

They say they are going to provide excellent health care to their patients and do research that will help persons and better treatment of health problems.
They do this by having some of the best health care available for their patients and being research orientated.
They show this by having good patient ratings, publishing surveys on the research that they have done.
They rethink this by having further studies or research done, and modifying patient care based on follow ups.

Their Organization:
-Doctors and researchers are patient focused
-Have some of the best Doctors and research facilities in the medical field
-Publish journals or articles on the latest findings and have statistics
-Value the outcomes of treatment and research.