Blog Post 14: Implementing a Lean Process
Based on our discussion in class today, implement and document a quality improvement process to the project/situation in which you performed a 5S process. This implementation must be based on the muda listed on the lean manufacturing wiki site. (note: there are several additional more modern types that you could utilize if need be)I have noted waste in improper filing of papers and organizing markers that could be thrown away, etc. I have changed my process to file papers as soon as I get them rather than setting them on my dresser and/or randomly shoving them into a drawer. I estimate doing this will eliminate time lost due to rummaging through papers to find the one needed-it will be easier to find now that it has been organized into its correct place. Also I will avoid losing time in sorting through my markers to find one that works amongst the 3 that do not work. Overall I have eliminated some waste, although minor, it still counts as waste.